Schedule Closed for 2019-20 School year!
SPACE IS LIMITED...on a first come, first serve basis
Crazy P.E. games…everything from Cosmic Bowling to Speed Stacking to Star Wars to Jail Break to Snowball Fights… with a few classics thrown in-between… a mix of the best P.E. games known to man/woman. Students will vote on their 8 favorite games which will determine the games we play.
Open to 1st – 5th graders
The North Beach Elementary School Gym
Mondays from 2:25-3:25
(April 15--June 3)
no class May 27 (Memorial Day)
Thursdays from 2:25-3:25
(April 18--May 30)
Unicycle Club is a wonderful place to learn how to ride for the first time or to work on more advanced skills for those who already know how to ride. This is a great individual skill that teaches patience, self-motivation, perseverance and helps boost self-confidence. We will also be riding in the Ballard Parade in May.
Open to 3rd – 5th graders
The North Beach Elementary School Gym
Tuesdays from 2:25-3:25
(April 2--May 28)
no class April 9 (Spring Break)